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What We Offer
Pay per click advertising built to scale your salon commonly known as intent based marketing, there is people every single day searching for what you do in your salon. As a Salon owner you want to be in front of these people when ever they search for people that do what you do in your area
If you want to become the go to salon in your area content marketing is a big part of this, its not just take photos and putting them on your social media profile that will get you the result in your content marketing strategy
Too many salons don't optimise what they current have around their business in order to been seen by their ideal clients use SEO to be seen by your clients without having to pay for the eyeballs
Social media is a pivotal part of growing your salon business know what to post, when to post and how to post it so it effectively builds the brand in a machine that gets people to click through to your website or into your booking system to book a service with you or buy products
Building a website is ok but building a website that converts traffic into bookings and sales for your salon is a completely different thing we help create website that convert traffic to bookings for your salon
If you have a specific offer your salon uses to bring in new clients this is where you would want a funnel created to get people to buy your service online
Your salon conversion rates extend a lot further than you or your team answering the phone, it also stems too your consultations, your product sales, your website visitors to booking or sale rate optimising these areas by as little as 5% can make a large difference as to where your salons growth will be in as little as 12 months
Email and text message marketing is the ultimate way to continue to keep your current clients active and to continue to buy from you ever single week, month and year
Getting new clients is great, but how do you get clients to come back 3, 4, 6, 10, 15 times a year and create a delivery model that helps you grow with more predicatbility
We like to partner directly with medical spas on their marketing and guarantee all our work will increase your revenue and grow your business more effectively, or you don't pay for it.
We set up your exclusive body sculpting campaigns to drive new clients to your business. We manage those campaigns closely. Your enquiries start coming in daily.
Working with OUR Beauty Salon Marketing Agency grow a salon gives a customized brand approach for your salon to generate bookings not only today but into the future, you need someone that understand the salon business and what turns needles in order to grow
Want to grow your business faster?
152 St Georges Terrace Perth Western Australia 6000
USA: 201 932 2489
AUS: 1800 948 096
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